About Small Business Manager

Welcome to www.sbmbr.com (Small Business Manager), a personal goal setting platform born from a journey of self-discovery and a commitment to sharing valuable insights. Initially crafted for my own personal growth, the Small Business Manager has evolved into a resource designed to empower others in their own journey. Rooted in my personal beliefs about goal setting and financial well-being, this platform serves as a testament to the transformative power of understanding and managing one's goals.

Goal Setting Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Our Vision:

At www.sbmgr.com, we envision a world where everyone has the knowledge and tools to navigate their goals and finances with confidence. Our commitment lies in demystifying the complexities of time management, personal finance, and goal setting, with the intention to help people live a well rounded life. We believe that by fostering a deeper understanding of financial principles, individuals can take control of their life, make informed decisions, and build a foundation for a secure and prosperous future.

What Sets Us Apart:

What sets www.sbmgr.com apart is our focus on practical learning. We don't just offer theoretical concepts; we provide actionable insights, and user-friendly tools to turn knowledge into tangible results. Our content is crafted to cater to a diverse audience, ensuring that whether you're struggling with work/life balance, tackling debt, planning for retirement, or just seeking to enhance your financial acumen, you'll find valuable resources and guidance right here.

Our Approach:

Our approach at www.sbmgr.com is grounded in simplicity and relevance, emphasizing the provision of tools that enable individuals to set, monitor, and comprehend the impacts of their goals. We break down intricate topics into easily digestible content, fostering a clear understanding of personal finance, goal setting, journaling, and time management. Whether you're exploring monthly budgeting tips or delving into long-term investment strategies, our aim is to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to make informed financial decisions aligned with your unique goals. No matter where you find yourself on your journey, www.sbmgr.com stands as your dedicated companion in the pursuit of goal achievement and financial well-being.

In our commitment to providing robust tools for goal setting, monitoring, and understanding, we prioritize a foundation built on mathematics. Wherever applicable, our tools rely on carefully crafted mathematical equations, ensuring accuracy and reliability in the assessment of your goals. This commitment to quantitative analysis empowers users with a clear and objective understanding of their financial landscape. At www.sbmgr.com, we believe that harnessing the power of mathematics enhances the effectiveness of our tools, providing you with a trustworthy resource for making data-driven decisions on your journey toward success, however you define it.


While www.sbmgr.com provides a robust starting point for individuals to set, monitor, and understand the impact of their goals, it's important to recognize that personal finance can involve nuanced and complex scenarios. For advanced or specialized situations, we recommend seeking guidance from professionals such as Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), business coaches, or financial planners. These experts can offer tailored advice, ensuring that your financial strategy aligns seamlessly with your unique circumstances. Small Business Manager serves as a valuable foundational resource, and we encourage users to leverage additional expertise for intricate scenarios, fostering a comprehensive and personalized approach to their journey.

Use of AI:

While I provided the initial guidance and decided the topics, the content you find here was largely shaped with the assistance of ChatGPT, an innovative AI tool. Together, we've created a space where goal setting is demystified and practical insights abound. Join me on this evolving journey towards building confidence and success.